BPG Suppressor Cover Custom



Order the cover size we recommend for your suppressor on our size chart. If your suppressor is 7″ overall length, you most likely need a 7.5″ long cover. Please make sure to order the correct diameter as well.

  • When properly installed, the cover should not rotate easily or slide forward. If it does, make sure the FR Sleeving is shorter than the suppressor; 0.25” gap (exposed section) at each end. For installation video please watch: Suppressor Cover Install Tutorial
  • If you have any sizing doubts after consulting our size chart, please submit a cover size clarification email via our contact form.

Product Specifications and Use Restrictions

Suppressor Cover – Black, FDE, and Wheat Tan – Kevlar fabric is heat rated to 1000 F sustained and 1500 F and max temp.

Suppressor Cover – Gray or Multicam – Kevlar fabric is heat rated to 600 F sustained and 1000 F and max temp.

*Note* Be weary of any company claiming a higher rating than above as this is data gathered directly from the developer of Kevlar and Nomex fabrics, DuPont…

Safety recommendation: If the suppressor is too hot to touch with the cover on, you should allow it to cool off before handling or resuming your firing schedule. We have found this to be at roughly 90 rounds fired. Keep in mind, the suppressor and cover will take some time to reach its thermal peak after being fired full-auto or mag dumping. Typically, the suppressor will rise 7 F for every shot fired of 5.56.

For all rifle suppressors it is highly recommended to use the Suppressor Cover Heavy with the included FR Sleeving for both heat mitigation and proper fit. If you plan on shooting full-auto or getting the suppressor extremely hot, you can double or triple up FR Sleeving (fit will be affected as the system diameter will increase).

Custom Order Disclaimer: These are custom covers and are sold as is. There shall be no refunds or exchanges after your order is submitted. If you damage them due to excessive heat (discoloration included), improper installation due to user error, or incorrect sizing; we will not replace or warranty them.

We have some dealers that regularly stock custom covers. BPG DEALERS LIST

To read full product descriptions to learn the specifics of each cover model, please visit the following links:

Suppressor Cover Heavy (Suppressors 1.5″ Diameter)

Suppressor Cover Medium (Suppressors 1.38″ Diameter)

Suppressor Cover Light (Suppressors 1″ Diameter)

UPC: %upc% SKU: BPG-SCC Categories: , Tags: , , ,


Custom Covers at our Miami Store are made same day, made to order. We will not ship custom orders from BPG Miami.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 10 × 4 × .25 in
Cover Type

Heavy, Medium, Light, Heavy Dead Air Sandman S


Black, Gray, Flat Dark Earth, Multicam, Wheat Tan


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